Health, Safety and Nutrition

Your child's health and safety is of high priority.

Your child may be sent home if any symptoms of illness appear during the day.

Please keep your child home if:

Your child may come back to school if a cold is over, a minor nasal drip remains, or your doctor gives his or her permission.

In case of accidental injury we will make an immediate attempt to notify you.

If we cannot reach you, we will call the child's physician.

If necessary, we will also call an ambulance or paramedics.

The Director or our Head Teacher will make decisions about the care of the child.

You will be expected to assume responsibility for any resultant expense.

The school will maintain parents' signed consent forms agreeing to this provision.

Please keep us up to date on phone numbers, emergency numbers and other pertinent information. 



Nutrition is important to us here at Rainbow Preschool.

The Early Learners are served a snack of 100% juice and crackers, or something we have prepared in class.  Pre-K studnets bring in their own lunch on Monday, Wendesday and Friday; this is excellent preparation for Kindergarten. We eat together as a class, after a.m. lessons. We require the meal contains healthful selections, and no carbonated drinks. Our goal is to have children eat their meal independently, and clean up their area when they are finished, with as little assistance as possible. All children are required to finish at least 1/2 of their main course before eating dessert.